A little information about us

Dr Greg Bastin Podiatrist graduated from La Trobe University in Melbourne with a BSc Pod and has done further Studies in Podiatry the U.S.A. Including numerous courses in Biomechanics and Surgery and in more recent times training  in Laser. Greg is particularly interested in Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail plate). “We have been carrying out fungal nail infection treatments sucessfully for many years, however with the advent of  laser treatment for toenail fungus,  patients suffer none of the usual side effects of nail fungus treatment,  they do not need the nail removed and they can go straight back to work after the proceedure”. Nail fungus this is a very common condition leaving the patient with a nail that is rather unsightly. Many people do not realise that it is possible to treat this condition successfully.

At Brighton and Hampton Podiatry we strive to give the best patient care possible, we are approachable regarding any problem you may have. We look forward to discussing fungal nail infection treatment with you.

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